Wells Lifeboat  RNLI Lifeboats Wells Norfolk UK
Wells Lifeboat

Fakenham & District Darts League donation

Saturday 30 June 2018

Angela Raimondo and Jenny Williamson with chairman Peter Rainsford and volunteers from the crew

Angela Raimondo and Jenny Williamson with chairman Peter Rainsford and volunteers from the crew

Angie (l) and Jenny (r) present cheques to Coxswain Nicky King

Angie (l) and Jenny (r) present cheques to Coxswain Nicky King


Continuing a long-running tradition of support for Wells lifeboat, representatives from Fakenham and District Darts League and the General Townshend Club in Fakenham presented the station with a donation of £1351 on Saturday morning. Angela Raimonodo and Jenny Williamson, both Captains of Ladies teams within the league, were welcomed by our chairman Peter Rainsford and met with members of the volunteer crew. The money was raised during a series of matches over the year.

Darts players in and around Fakenham have been regularly raising money for the station for many years in a tradition originally started by Mary Rumbold, landlady of the Fakenham Star pub. The crew are grateful for their support.
